
Archive for the ‘Sniffy Snifferson’ Category

The New Year Resolution Post: Sniff Edition

In Sniffy Snifferson on January 21, 2011 at 8:46 pm

Guest Bloggers: Layne & Gus Gus (@mynameisgusgus)


T here seems to be this theory that we canines are unable to keep track of time. You know you’ve heard the stories about dogs that are so happy to see you when you get home because they thought you were gone for a million hours. Yeah, that’s a bunch of bull. We know when its time to wake up, eat, sleep, & when a new year is upon us. We don’t have calendars, per se, but typically the new year starts with a few weeks of earlier mornings, cleaner houses, & afternoon workouts, which all lasts about as long as a rawhide bone does in our house. Despite the already anticipated fizzle of a resolution list, we’ve planned our own for this year, and we’re crossing our paws that our moms help us out with this (there’s only so much you can do without opposable thumbs).

1. Reduce our Carbon Pawprint.

It is about time we got serious about this. We can’t imagine that we are doing that much harm, after all, our ancestors BUILT this Mother Earth.  We aren’t the predominant problem (here’s looking at YOU, people). Nonetheless, every little bit helps. Our mom got us this book, Ecodog, which seems to have some pretty good ideas & even more delicious sounding recipes. Natural deodorizing, ecofriendly pest control, recycled dog toys, & poop scooping are all on the agenda. So it seems this year, we’ll be making the earth a better place, one hustled paw step at a time.

Let's get ecofriendly!

2. Lose (Layne)/Maintain (Gus Gus) that Weight!

Well, between the holidays, bitter cold, & one too many trips to grandpaw’s house, it seems as if we have a *hint* of a weight issue again. So we vow to get in shape (just like every single one of our human counterparts)! It shouldn’t be too tough. We love to run & play, it’s the dieting that stinks to high heavens. Nonetheless, we must live long doggie lives for the sake of our family’s sanity, so it’s on! With walks at least three times a week & an increased itsy bitsy cut back on treats, we’ll be looking svelte in our swimsuits come lake season! Who wants to skinny dip?

Gus Gus

3. Give Back to our Fellow Dog.

It wasn’t that long ago that we were once sniffs in need. Our initial families, unable to care for us, put us up for adoption alongside thousands of other pets in need of homes. Our luck found us two loving, adoptive mothers who were more than willing to smother adore us as if they birthed us themselves. But that gutwrenching ASPCA commercial (damn you, Sarah McLachlan!), reminds us that there are so many of our brethren that haven’t had our good fortune. So this year, we pledge to give back, through our gifts & time, to local organizations that preserve the rights & lives of sniffs like us. We could not be more grateful.